Lamaze #5: Newborn Care, Calming & Massage
They don't come with instruction manuals, but we'll help you navigate through those first few weeks with ease and understanding.
Newborn appearance, characteristics, what they can see and do from birth onward. Then you’ll learn about keeping babies happy during their Fourth Trimester, being able to activate their tiny calming reflexes so that there is less crying, more sleeping and more smiling!
Using doll models, learn the basics of baby care including bathing, diapering, umbilical cord and intact/circumcision care, colic holds and how to comfort a crying infant. We discuss common newborn health concerns, signs of illness, how to take a temperature, and when to call the pediatrician.Nighttime parenting info includes safe sleep guidelines, SIDS
prevention, swaddling techniques, and tips to help your baby sleep.
How will your baby adjust to life outside the womb?
How will you adjust to life with your baby?
We close with learning an 8-minute massage routine that makes a nice ‘end of day’ habit – easy enough to teach grandparents and care-givers. It increases baby’s ability to eat and digest food, gain weight and sleep sounder. It also calms the giver of the massage – so it’s a nice daddy duty. Bigger hands are sometimes a nice thing ;-)
This fun, confidence-boosting class is full of critical concepts and hands-on practice you’ll put into practice as you welcome your new baby home!
Everyone leaves this class excited to swaddle, soothe and care for their babies!
““ As a first time dad, I thought I knew the basics, until I went to this course. Turns out, being around kids growing up is way different than having one. The classes were super helpful with getting me prepared for not only the birth, but especially for life after, both physically and most importantly, mentally. Diaper changing, swaddling, feeding, interacting, what to expect from a 1, 2, 3 month old, etc. I would highly recommend this course to any dads, first time or veterans!””