Our 5-week Birth & Postpartum Doula Training takes place in
Portland, Oregon July 7- August 4.
Class is on Sundays from 1-7pm with a dinner break in between sessions.
Join us LIVE in person OR in our LIVE Web-Classroom
A Healthy Birth Doula Training
We are located in the heart of Portland, Oregon.
Become A Healthy Birth Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula
Are you feeling the drive to support expectant families through the delicate and sacred months of growing and birthing their tiny human?
Our training helps you learn the value of doula support, the physiology of pregnancy, labor, childbirth, breastfeeding and newborn care in the early weeks. Each module focuses on how you, the doula, can positively impact the outcomes for mothers, babies and help dramatically improve the memory of their birth experience.
Watch the Orientation to answer most of your questions. If this seems like home to you, then,
Complete your Registration
Make your payment and
We'll put you on our Roster!

Our 2019 options include:
Self paced workshop, One on one format
BEGINS when you choose
Morning, afternoon & evening sessions available.
This works well for doulas who are ready to train but have limitations with childcare, work or finances.You may schedule all 10 sessions up front in order to plan out your calendar, or you may schedule week to week or month to month.
Homework must be submitted and accepted prior to attending the following module.
Pay as you go.
Pay in full or choose a payment plan
The full fee for either format option is $1200.
You may wish to pay all at once or may need the option of making payments.
When you register you will receive a quote with several payment options to suit you best. You must be up to date on payments before attending your next module.
A non-refundable retainer of $300 holds your space in our classroom.
If you are taking the FAST-TRACK option, your payment in full must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of your workshop to give us ample time to personalize your workshop materials.
The Steps to becoming A Healthy Birth Doula-in-Training:
Get started with Required Reading – The list will be emailed to you following your completed registration and payment of your retainer fee.
Register for and attend Lamaze Parts #1 & #2 prior to workshop if not included in your workshop dates. Fee is waived for registered Doula Trainees.
Choose your workshop format
FAST-TRACK FORMAT: This format is information intense! After workshop completion you will be receiving homework assignments every 5 days. (holidays excluded)
Each module assignment is due before the next homework arrives. Late homework will result in additional assignments.THE 5-WEEK FORMAT covers the exact same information but you have a week to assimilate it. Homework is due within 5 days of the end of your module. Late homework results in additional assignments.
ONE-ON-ONE FORMAT covers all the same information but you schedule your modules with your trainer as you go.
This is a wonderful option for doulas who:
Are mothers with young children
Do not live near a live training option
Work full time
Graduation requires all assignments completed within syllabus guidelines prior to attending the next module in the series.
Steps to Certification
Complete the entire training course of modules including at least one full Lamaze Series.
Watch all mandatory videos and provide a one page report.
Complete and turn in all homework according to Syllabus guidelines.
Turn in your Doula in Training File Maintenance quarterly.
Read and provide a one-page report on 5 books from the reading list.
Obtain and complete 3 birth doula clients. Complete documentation received in workshop.
Obtain and complete 3 postpartum clients.Complete documentation received in workshop.
Successful candidates will be approved as Certified Doulas (CD) or Postpartum Certified Doulas (PCD).
We expect that your complete doula training and certification can be completed within 1 year but you have up to 3 years* to complete the program. A 3-year membership is included in your training program after which you will need to pay the $50 fee annually to maintain your current status.
Maintenance of certification simply requires you to provide documentation as set forth in Syllabus Guidelines (client documentation, verifiable evaluations) of serving one birth and one postpartum client annually.
*If you need longer than your 3-year certification allowance in order to get through our program, we don’t automatically shut you down and make you start all over again. Honest, open communication and working well within our system is beneficial. Keep regular at your education and all the opportunities will come at just the right pace for you. Everyone’s a winner in this race because you’re self-paced.