The most recommended Doulas by Midwives, Obstetricians and Nurses.

The most recommended Doulas by Midwives, Obstetricians and Nurses.

Birth Doula

  I’ll help you prepare your birth plan, communicate more effectively with your care provider, work with you and your partner prepare for roles and relaxation for the big day. I may labor with you at home for as long as you wish or meet you directly at your birth center or hospital. I’ll be there for every contraction and my sole responsibility is your and partner's emotional well-being and support. 

For births occurring in remote locations, Virtual Doula Services are available. Contact me to hear all the details and even a demonstration of how this type of support serves a very special role in helping you and your partner shine through the birth of your little one.

Portland Professional Doula Associates attends labor & births in and around the Greater Portland area including Beaverton, Hillsboro, Newberg, Gresham, Happy Valley, Wilsonville and Sherwood, Oregon. Both live and virtual breastfeeding support and newborn care training are on my list of specialties!

Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro and Portland, Oregon

Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro and Portland, Oregon