A preview of Lamaze Healthy Birth Class Sessions …

Here’s a little preview of each session you may enjoy as either a live class with Brenda or even the pre-recorded “Netflix” watch-as-you-can session.

Either way, you’ll get access to a little appetizer page to prepare you for your session, the 3-hour content, as well as access to a “homework” page for you to use as reference when you’re in the thick of it!

Why Hire a Doula? Here’s a few reasons …


What do doulas do?

Physical, emotional & informational support.

Partner Support

Doulas support the birthing person’s partner, helping them participate at the level in which they are most comfortable.

Improved Birth Outcomes

Fewer cesareans, higher apgar scores, improved breastfeeding rates and more.

The Birth Team

Doulas help the medical team too

Doula Work

We’re drawn to this sacred work. We love the work and we love you.
Birth footage in this short video.

Doula Cost

Is the extra expense worth it? Hear what parents have to say.

When plans change

The doula is there to help clarify what is happening and help the birthing person and labor partner cope and remember things better.