The Birth Story of Liam
August 20, 2021
Tara calls me to say that her provider is suggesting immediate induction for high blood pressure. After a day of careful consideration, conversations with another midwife and a home delivery of a blood pressure cuff, she and Jensen decide to watch closely for any signs of distress and wait for baby. Over the next month Tara & Jensen carefully watch for any signs that this little baby needed a quick exit. He let them know that he was just fine and appreciated the fully developed lungs and brain! Good job!!!
Texts between the Wilhelms and their Doula, Brenda Kirkpatrick.
Jensen and Brenda
J - Looks like we will be staying at the hospital at this point. Going to discuss things with medical team and try less invasive ways to get things started hopefully.
B - Oh my gosh, I had a feeling. Once you’re there it’s really hard to get them to let you leave. I hope at least they’re letting her eat
J - Yeah, she’s going to be ordering lunch soon. We’ll give you a call when things are closer/happening.
B - I’d love to know anything you know about the plan for induction or if her cervix is favorable, stats, etc. I’m also on Marco Polo if it’s easier for you to chat and talk than to text.
J - They said she is 1 cm posterior. Discussing if we want a membrane strip or the Foley bulb. They also said 70% effacement and said her cervix was softer.
B - Is tonight basically cervical ripening with induction happening tomorrow morning? Or are they talking pitocin soon? I’m trying to decide whether to try to sleep or stay awake and ready.
J - They put a Foley bulb in around 4:30ish, they said it may take up to 12 hours. After it comes out we’ll probably monitor and they said we’d evaluate/go ffrom there since Tara doesn’t want an IV if at all possible. I think it’d be okay to sleep tonight.
B - Ok thanks. You try too!
J - Thanks! I took a small nap earlier. Luckily I can sleep pretty easy.
B - That’s good
Tara and Brenda
Monday 10/20/2021 6:22pm
B - will you be able to sleep tonight, y’think?
T - I’m not sure. I know I need to but it may be tricky to feel calm. Do you think I should ask for something? I think you had mentioned Tylenol PM before?
B - I’d ask for anything because tomorrow you’ll need your energy. Use a sleep mask if you have one. Put your baby to sleep. Dark room, white noise, be as still as you can. He needs your reassurance that everything is good.
T - Ok sounds like a great idea. I will send him calming thoughts. Did Jensen update you on what our plan is? It sounds like he did but thought I’d double check.
B - He said Foley until it falls out, then reassess. I’m going to sleep early so I’ll be fresh for you. I’m here for you. You’re big on my heart. Texts are great to stay in touch. Just know that when you need me, CALL. And updates as often as you can.
T - Alright. I will update if anything changes. So far I’m doing good and I can feel my contractions picking up but nothing too intense yet. I will give you a phone call when the times comes when I need you. Thank you for all your support! Sleep well!
Jensen and Brenda
J - Bulb came out, talking with midwife now about pitocin. The midwife is asking head nurse if we can wait till morning or if we need to start it tonight.
B - Fantastic. Hope she can wait.
J - They just gave her the miso and said they will start pitocin in 4 hours.
B - Got it. Call when you need me.
J - Will do, hopefully not till morning. Thanks so much.
B - Miso will make her super crampy but usually will not dilate much.
J - Good to know. She took a medicine that started with a V that should help her sleep, hoping that helps her out a bit.
B - I hope so too!
B - any update?
J - They said her contractions were picking up more naturally so they didn’t hook up the pitocin. They did give her some fluids for the baby though.
B - That’s so good. The extra fluids will make the contractions better too. Will they bring her food again today? Did either of you sleep?
J - They didn’t say no food, they are asking if she wants to eat now. She said she’s going to try to sleep, but they are chatting her up now. Not much sleep, but for some broken sleep.
B - Setting her up now? Like with pitocin? Or just chatting about options?
J - They were saying they’d set her up w/pitocin around 8 and order some breakfast.
B - Sounds good. Does she feel like having a little walk before all of that or is she low energy? Big breakfast, little walk around, miles circuit, pitocin.
J - A bit low energy it seems, but going to try and go for a walk.
Haven’t been able to walk or get her to eat yet. Contractions seem pretty strong to me, but we’re working through them. Would love to have you here through the delivery, so not sure what time to have you come by. She’s having trouble talking/making decisions as the contractions come.
B - I’m ready any time you are. On my way!
Labor Notes taken During Monday - Tuesday
I arrive just a few minutes before 10am
Misoprostil was dosed at both 11:30pm & 4:30am
Tara is super tired, with pain in her front hip bones, not back.
I raised her bed, used carrier oil for hips massage and placed hot packs
Tara drank ginger ale
11:11 bathroom .. Jensen sleep
Reheat hot packs in sink
Encouraged drinking water!
Both sleeping
We gotta ways to go but sleep is most important. Sigh.
She presses against her perineum and round ligaments during contractions
Jensen wakes, send him to eat. Tara wants to sleep. Ctx are camel-backing. Tried belly lifts.
1:20pm I go eat
Back in the room Tara is sitting up on the edge of the bed. She'd gotten up to use the restroom and she didn't have energy to lie back down.
I get her to do figure 8s on the ball. FHTs look wonkey so they slow dance with her arms raised. Better. I do hip jiggles. Wonkey again. Nurse comes in and says it's Tara's heartbeat being picked up so she readjusts the belt.
Jensen looks on longingly so I move out of the way. He brings a chair next to her and takes over. All can think is, how will she cope when active labor kicks in?
I feel her cold legs and suspect cervical change
4:15 Tara and Jensen try a shower
5pm midwife visits for an exam: 6 cms -1 70% 1 bag broke 2nd intact
Oops broke SROM
Suddenly Tara seems so alert
Maybe poo?
Side lying release, lunge R leg
8:30pm first grunt
Ctx are still 6" apart. Crazy.
Side-lying release with hip jiggles.
Heather replaces Haylie for nursing.
Tara’s blood pressure is so perfect
Hands & knees over back of bed
9pm Coco comes on and offers check
To toilet. Poo (yay!)
Suggests hands knees
7cms, no pushing! Horsey lips!
Castor oil over her sore hips
I rub Tara’s feet with lotion
Will this be a 092121 baby?
Coco comes in to check again, Tara is still the same. She suggests Pitocin + epidural.
Epidural placed at 11:45pm
She’s so surprised it worked so fast and she’s finally all smiles.
Wednesday, 10/22/2021
By 4am there is still no change, so they engage in the difficult conversation about a cesarean birth. Thankfully Tara is well prepared and the doctor is impressed with her cesarean birth plan. Tara and Jensen are both a little sad, but also excited to meet their son! Since I will not be allowed in the OR or in postpartum, I go home but ask them to please update me whenever they come out of the fog. I pray for their rest and happiness!
Sweet baby boy arrives safely - 8 pounds and 2 ounces with a 14 centimeter head that was just looking the wrong way.
Text to Jensen:
B - He’s perfect! Look at that little sweet strawberry baby boy! Liam. (blue heart emoji) Welcome. You are so loved! Jensen, you and Tara worked so hard, through so many decisions, through so much pain. I know you are tired. I know you don’t care. He was worth it all. You are right! Enjoy every smell, every finger, digit and touch. You did this! Your son!