The Birth Story of Surabhi’s Baby Girl

Calls/Texts between Rohan & Brenda

Sunday, October 24, 2021 9:24am
Rohan says Surabhi has been having some contractions this morning. They seem irregular but she is experiencing back pain with them. She’s also having some bloody show, which is encouraging.

B - That’s actually current, yay! So lots of water, water, water! And knee chest, hip jiggle, left side 20”, right side 20” … I’m greatly encouraged.
R - Can you send me the link
B - Sure - (sends Miles Circuit)
R - I was thinking that I should also call the doctor?
B - Only if you’re on your way in or need medical advice. Do you have any contractions actually timed?
R - Yes


B - So still a little irregular. But coming! (smile emoji) Have a good protein packed meal and a brisk walk in the cool aire when the rain lets up


R - She is seeing blood every time she wipes. But it’s light in color.
B - (sends signs of stages of labor) That’s so good! How are contractions? Longer-stronger-closer together?


B - Hope all is well. Did it keep going or stop? I’m starting to get worried.
R - No blood right now
B - Oh, thank you!
R - But she’s having contractions.
B - Pain or just tight?
R - Painful in pelvic area
B - How is she acting?
R - She had a good lunch, then some sleep. Able to sleep for 15 minutes then wake up due to pain.

B - She may want to try a hot bath or shower, again LOTS of water and at least rest her body.
R - She’s waiting to do that when she has more pain.
B - Sounds good
R - Do you think we will see some action tonight or will this go to tomorrow morning/afternoon?
B - Oh I wish I had THAT crystal ball! You just have to do all you can to ignore it until it absolutely takes over. Remember Savannah’s story? She had bloody show on Frida & contractions off and on until Wednesday. Once she got a chiropractor adjustment her body kicked in strong. Maybe today’s just a warm up to the big deal. Or maybe she’ll have a baby by midnight (laugh emoji)

Monday, October 25, 2021


Phone call from Rohan: Surabhi slept until about 3:30 this morning, but then was awakened by painful contractions. They are going to try to do Miles Circuit again and eat some breakfast. He is trying to decide whether to call the hospital.

6:11am - They called the hospital and they confirmed to not come until contractions are steady at 5-1-1. Rohan asked if I’d come over by 7am, so I throw it into high gear and head to their home.

I arrive to find Privika excited that her baby is coming today. She has drawn a picture of the baby and wants to share it with me. Surabhi comes to the living room and is all smiles. She’s tired, but excited. Rohan is preparing food for the family and so I join Surabhi in the bedroom. She rocks on the bed and is tired so I set her up with lots of pillows to lie on her side to encourage baby to rotate off her tailbone.

Privika entertains us with reading some of her favorite books including the Berenstain Bears and a story of a ballerina. She is quite animated and it is obvious that she loves reading. She will be such a good big sister. Rohan wants to go on an errand and I ask him if he’d be willing to bring me some coffee. This quickly changes to a plan of us all going for a cool morning walk to Ava Roasteria. At first Surabhi didn’t like the idea, but I let her know that the walk will be so good for her. Rohan goes ahead of us since everyone needs outdoor gear and shoes.

The morning is beautiful and crisp, with just a hint of sprinkle. Privika enjoys picking out her favorite leaves and points out the direction to her school. She wants to walk there, but I engage her in a shower of a handful of colorful leaves and she joins in the back and forth game with infectious little girl giggles.

Once home, I let Rohan know that Surabhi needs to focus on herself. Moms are always in mom-mode, so she is concerned with Privika’s needs - She needs to have her privacy for now. Privika is thrilled that she gets to go to her friend’s home and excitedly packs her favorite things to share.

Now the nest is quiet. I turn off most of the lights and Surabhi does hip circles on her pink ball. She moves toward the bed and leans over it. She is tired from the activity but states that the walk really did do her some good. We settle her back into her side lying nest on her warm bed.

Rohan returns and warms milk for Surabhi. She hungrily drinks it down. She is doing great with her water intake and finds the need to hobble to the restroom. She is experiencing really good show. Rohan notices that her contractions are now coming every 4-5 minutes and is ready to head to the hospital.

I meet them at the reception desk on the 7th floor. Sydney is her triage nurse and she escorts us to room 327.
Surabhi is 5cms dilated and her cervix is posterior. She will be monitored for a brief while so Rohan goes to the car to retrieve their bags.
Sam comes in to be Surabhi’s nurse. She tries to place her IV on her left arm, but the veins roll. She attempts on her right arm but is once again unsuccessful. Another nurse is finally able to get a good line and draws labs at the same time.
Heather Jorgensen, a midwife comes in to welcome the new family.

We see a few early decelerations and Sam checks Surabhi. She is now 7cms. I get her on her knees over the back of the bed.
We move to throne position and Surabhi asks about something for the pain. Sam offers her pain meds, but Surabhi doesn’t accept it right away.
I fan her with a lavender scent, and Rohan takes over.
Dr. Abe comes in to introduce herself. Since Surabhi has been drinking so well, I suggest that emptying her bladder may decrease the intensity of the pain. She sits on the toilet for a contraction, the comes back to the bed. for pain relief.
2:30pm Dr. Abe checks her cervix and she is already 8 cms and baby has moved down to 0 zero station. she is moving so quickly!
3:00pm Surabhi begins to feel a lot of pressure so Sam lets her know that she can push with it if it feels good to do so. She does her first official push. It feels best for her to push on her right side. Dr. Abe asks if she can check her for descent and Surabhi gives permission. The doctor gives her some pressure which helps Surabhi focus on where to direct her pushing efforts.

3:50pm - A baby girl makes her entrance! The doctor offers to cut the cord right away, but Rohan asks her if they can wait. She tells him that there is very little arterial blood left, but there is still some venous return happening. Before he can ask for more time, she clamps the cord and offers him scissors.

4:00pm - Dr. Abe wants to encourage the placenta to break free, so I put the baby at breast level, she latches on and begins to nurse.

4:15pm - Rohan gets skin to skin with his daughter.

5:00pm - The nursery tech comes to do her newborn procedures. She weighs 7 pounds and 6 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. Dr. Abe is still waiting and gives Surabhi pitocin and a cytotec suppository. The placenta is not ready to release. She begins to talk about manual removal because she does not want Surabhi to begin bleeding too heavily. O asked her if she was currently bleeding and she said no and was okay to wait a little longer.

5:25pm - Dr. Abe wants to take Surabhi to the OR to remove the placenta. I will stay with Rohan and the baby while she is gone. They give her a spinal and are able to remove the placenta in pieces, but feel sure that it was all retrieved. The baby is very hungry and has been very vocal about it.

6:30pm - Surabhi returns to her room and I get the baby back to nursing. Rohan has prepared her meal. She eats it with gusto and feels sleepy but so happy! I schedule a tentative home visit for Wednesday early afternoon and a Friday morning postpartum day.

7pm - I leave a very happy and very tired family with so much pride in them and love for them!