The story of Owen Douglas Jensen

Texts and conversations prior to labor day

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sarah - Hi, I had my 37 week appointment today, and my blood pressure is somewhat high (136/97). My midwife ordered labs, and I have a follow up OB check on Friday. I’m nervous about risking out of the birth center :-( :-(

Brenda - Maybe ask for them to take your blood pressure at the end of the appointment. Do you have a cuff at home? The same thing happened to my September client but home testing kept her from induction at 36w.

Sarah - I have a home cuff, and I’ll check again tomorrow after sitting for a while. Singers crossed it was just a bad day.

Friday, November 18, 2021

Sarah - My blood pressure was normal this morning! Yay! BUT if I have a 2nd high reading at a future appointment I will have to go to the hospital for an induction. I’m scheduled for another check Monday morning.

Brenda - How do you feel about that? Check your B.R.A.I.N.

Sarah - I’m feeling a little anxious, but happy we have a straightforward plan and the weekend to potentially prepare for it. My gut says to trust our midwives recommendations. I’m also hopeful that my BP will stay normal.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Sarah - Tested my BP at home this morning, and it’s back to normal. Feeling positive and healthy! Do you have time to chat this weekend about what our plan would be if I did end up having to go to the hospital? I’d feel good about talking through the possibilities.

Nice phone call on Sunday

Monday, November 22, 2021

Sarah - BP was high again, so they’re transferring me out of the birth center to the WHA midwives who deliver at Providence. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 8 to discuss next steps & plan for induction.

Brenda - Sounds good!

Sarah - We’ll keep you updated! Let me know if there’s anything in particular you suggest we ask. They said to come with all our questions.

Zach - Wondering about things we haven’t really thought of for the birth center vs. hospital plan. Things we might not think to bring or questions we might not be prepared to answer.

Brenda - Any restrictions on eating, drinking, freedom of movement, the use of a portable monitor, ask for nurses trained in spinning babies. Will you be able to use the tub and the shower? Will you be able to have an early discharge if everyone is fine? Will you be confined to the room? Is nitrous offered?

Zach - Awesome. Ty ty ty

Brenda - Do you think they’ll send you right over after your appointment? Or wait until evening?

Zach - Not really sure. I got the sense it would be a little relaxed in terms of timing - most likely start the process overnight. Sarah is getting a massage right now (yay!) but I’ll let her chime in because she may have gotten a different vibe.

Brenda - Oh yay, that’s the perfect timing!

Sarah - Yep, I got the impression that tomorrow morning we’ll get all the information and our questions answered. Then they’ll likely schedule us to check in in the evening.

Brenda - I’ll be with you in spirit!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Brenda - I’m in your pocket! You’ve got this! <3 <3 Breathe lots of love to that sweet babe

Sarah - We are scheduled to go in for an induction at Providence tomorrow morning at 8:30

Brenda - Okay, did they give you any ideas on methods?

Sarah - We discussed the possibilities. Misoprostol, and a Foley bulb sound like the likely options but we will have a say in it when we go in tomorrow morning

Brenda - Alright! So you can get lots of sleep tonight! Best case scenario!

Sarah - Yes! We were nervous about being able to sleep at the hospital, so it is best case scenario! I’m just embracing the new plan, and feeling positive about it. We got all of our questions answered and it sounds like I should have freedom to move, eat & drink, and a bathtub if I request a room with one. The only unknown for pain management is nitrous, as the policy keeps changing. Our midwife couldn’t get hold of Providence this morning to find out. I can also request a portable monitor and the IV disconnected so I can move around freely.

Brenda - Celebration icons!

Sarah - only bummer news she told us is the policy for gestational hypertension is to require I stay for 72h after delivery for BP monitoring. I think if everything is good after 24h we may be able to push that back a little

Zach - FYI blood pressure was 122/70!

Brenda - Of course it was! (laugh/cry)

Sarah - Right? So frustrating.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Sarah &Zach arrived at Providence for induction this morning and were met with faces of surprise and confusion. Their induction had not been scheduled with the hospital and they are short staffed. They also were confused because cervical ripening usually happens overnight, not during the busy day shift.
They called me on the way home and peals of laughter rung out as they shared with me the NOW "best case scenario" - and they're planning a day of FUN with dining and Christmas movies! What a fun fiasco!
They said IF they're called in to arrive at the hospital, they will FIRST call and confirm before they lug all of their stuff up from parking to L&D!!! Zach teased ( I think!) about leaving a Yelp review for WHA.

Sarah - We confirmed that we are still on the schedule for 7:30! We’ll let you know what the induction plan is after we check in. I’m hoping to get some good sleep (fingers crossed)

Brenda - Get the good drugs! (laugh/cry)

Sarah - We are all settled in and the plan is to start with misoprostol overnight. and I got the Ambien (okay!) Ooh and we requested a room with a tub, and they gave us the last one available!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Zach - Everybody is doing well over here! Very faint contractions. They show up on the monitor but Sarah isn’t feeling them yet. Hope you are having a great thanksgiving (heart smiley)

Brenda - I’m so Thank FULL! for this update. Is there any update from a cervical check so far?

Zach - Sarah just hopped in the shower and as soon as she is dried off and comfy, she’ll give the nurse a ring for the first cervical check (okay)

Zach - Foley bulb is in! 50 cc’s, no speculum needed, 60% effaced, Station _3. She said, “it’s not a big baby!” (in a good way. Sarah is uncomfortable but not in pain.

Brenda - Do you think it’s safe for me to go to family’s in Newberg at 5?

Zach - The nurse said, “We’ll be able to give more information around three” she said it’s too hard to tell.

Brenda - That’s fair. I’ll be at the ready.

Zach - no big updates. Three hours since the Foley bulb went in. Going to get another dose of misoprostol soon :) she’s doing great.

Brenda - Glad to hear it! Baby still on her left side?

Zach - Unsure. The midwife said that baby might be on the right side. I’ll ask her to check when they come back at 4 to check the Foley.

Brenda - Maybe do the Miles Circuit?

Zach - I just pulled out my phone to text and ask if we should. On it!

Brenda - Best Doula award goes to: Dad!

Zach - Nurse said “I think that’s probably safe!” Re: going to your family’s at 5. Sorry I didn’t have an answer sooner! Just got a big mat and are about to start the miles circuit (hope hands)

Brenda - Yay (celebrate)

Zach - Woo! Bulb just came out when Sarah was on the toilet!

Brenda - YEAH it DID!

Zach - 6:40 is when she should be due for another misoprostol so they’re going to come and we’ll make another plan for either another dose or going straight to Pitocin. They’re going to check her cervix then.

Hi, just talked to the team about options. Can we give you a quick call? Sarah wanted to ask some questions :)

Brenda - Always!

(chit chat)

Zach - Baby has come down a bit. 3.5-4 cm, Station -1 (yay, miles circuit!) mid-position. Bishop score of 10 (yay!) Going to get Benadryl and try to get some rest for a few hours and plan on starting Pitocin around 10p tonight (but can start earlier if Sarah decides).

Brenda - Heck yeah!

Zach - So we met them in the middle (ok) go team!

She’s still asleep! (celebrate) I think this was a great plan. Thank you so much for the advice <3
Brenda - Glad to hear it! I’m gonna sleep off some tryptophan for a bit but when she’s ready for me, call!

Zach - Sleep tight!

Friday, November 26, 2021 6:08AM

Sarah - I slept!

Brenda - Hooray! Did they start the pit?

Zach - Still on a pit break. If things aren’t progressing in 30 or so minutes, they’ll turn it back on.

Brenda - I’m so happy you slept! That’s ALWAYS the best! So they “did” start pit at 10pm and had you on it all night?

Zach - Yep! The highest I saw it was 10 milliunits/min, but I don’t know if they bumped it up at all after I fell asleep around 2.

Brenda - In any case, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!

Zach - She’s killing it in here! Super mama (strong)

Brenda - She’me ISSSS!

Zach - Just restarted Pitocin

Brenda - Thank you!

Zach - Intensity of the contractions is ramping up. Going to start timing them and I’ll keep you posted as we get closer to 411/511 :)

Brenda - Ooohhhh! Nize!

Called me at 10:50AM and asked me to come. I arrived at 12M.

Brenda’s Labor Notes:

Room #3K08

Sarah is left side lying on the mat on the floor with a peanut ball. Zach at her side. She wants to move but is afraid of another contraction. I tell her if she begins to move as one contraction subsides, it will keep another one from restarting immediately. (up to the restroom)
More water!
Sarah leans on the bed and I touch her back warmly. Her legs feel shaky so I bring the ball for her to sit on. She does wide figure 8’s in clockwise circles and Sarah remarks, “That DID something!”
She feels the contractions more in the front now. I rub her head, squeeze her feet.

Midwife, Kailia checks in and Karen the nurse.

Restroom again, this time backwards on the toilet and drink more water to keep that uterus working smoothly.

Kailia offers a cervical check (Sarah’s quiet concentration offers her decline) and Karen asks Zach to time some contractions since the monitor is not picking them up well.

I offer counter-pressure and hip squeezes and crisscross back massage.

Sarah is tired, so I suggest she get into the bed on her knees so she can lean the full weight of her body on the back of the bed. Sarah cooperates with everything we ask of her. Her soft moans become more intense as the Pitocin does it’s mighty work of encouraging this baby. More shakes.

1:30 - Sarah sinks into the warm tub surrounded by her twinkle fairy lights. Adoringly, Zach peers over her with love, strength and admiration of her surrender.

2:10 - Kailia checks her and she is now 6 centimeters. Sarah was hoping for more but I’m thrilled. She’s making progress including the fact that the baby is lower and her cervix is thinner. Labor is now active and the quickness of the rising of intensity is beginning to take it’s toll.

By 5pm Sarah begins to consider an epidural. She feels exhausted and wants some relief from this persistent back pain. In just 30 minutes, the best epidural is working great and she still has full control of her legs. I send Zach to get some dinner so he’ll be well nourished for however long this takes. He’s been at her side non-stop!

Zach loves on Sarah with a gentle hair brushing. They listen to fun music and speak quietly to one another as they anticipate this little person and how their lives are about to joyously be enhanced. Today is their engagement anniversary. So beautifully poetic!

I gently jiggle Sarah’s hips as she rotates from left to ride sides in order to soften her tissues that may be holding back any progress.

6pm - 8/9 centimeters! Yes!

10:07pm - Sarah’s baby is +3. Zach’s face is radiant with excitement! He can’t stop rubbing his hands together as he prepares to catch their baby! The room begins to buzz with activity preparing for the arrival of this little love!