Same great class content just for you!

At this time Medicaid does not make a way for third party billing of Lamaze Childbirth Classes so we are happy to offer a considerable discount to make it easier for all families to have access to best practice components of maternity care. However with the paid invoice which includes all of the S9 and ICD-10 codes, you should file these through your insurance company for consideration of reimbursement. There are currently several bills in many states and some at the Federal level trying to make this mandatory. Your submission will prompt more investigation of the cost savings possible when parents are well informed with evidence based research.


Click an image below to begin your registration process.

Regular price $225 You pay $150

Regular price $225
You pay $150

Regular price $350 You pay $200

Regular price $350
You pay $200

Click the box to register

You’ll receive a quote for this pre-recorded class as well as the option to add our Successful Breastfeeding or Newborn Care Calming & Massage for $25 each (regularly $80)
Once you accept the quote and pay the generated invoice, the classes will be sent to your email, one per day. The following day you’ll receive a homework page with additional viewing, downloads & more goodies.

At the end of each session you will be able to schedule, at your convenience, a virtual but LIVE one-on-one time with Brenda Kirkpatrick, CD(DONA), AIMI, LCCE, FACCE to get satisfying answers to all of your questions as well as additional information you may require.