Happy World Breastfeeding Week!
The purpose of this page is to align our patient’s experience from Prenatal Education through Labor, Delivery and Postpartum.
Please enjoy the following video presentations to expand your own professional understanding of the value we offer to freshly birthed families, as well as sharing the Parent Education videos to your patients at the bedside.
How can doctors, midwives and nurses set a family up for the best breastfeeding experience, while still caring for responsibilities?
Whether the birth takes place vaginally or surgically, we can all do our part to make time and space for mother and baby to have the gentlest transition from womb to world. Imagine what it must be like to be a brand new human: What is this gravity thing? Why are my movements that used to be in a world of warm water, now so jerky? Who turned on all these LIGHTS? Whose voices are these? What is this new feeling: hunger?
In placing baby immediately skin to skin, we facilitate higher oxytocin in both mother and baby. With fewer interruptions we keep norepinephrine at bay, reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and increase the chances of earlier breastfeeding and higher glucose levels in the newborn.
Watch the scenarios below and notice how these small changes can make a huge difference, one family at a time!