Successful Breastfeeding is a Family Affair.

Mothers needs lots of support, physically and emotionally to keep up with the careful balance of self-care, caring for her new baby(ies) and milk making. Mothers who get into early synchrony via skin-to-skin are synchronized with babies, and thus not fatigued.

Bergman: Mothers who get into early synchrony via skin-to-skin are synchronized with babies, and thus not fatigued.


Holding your baby with your skin and theirs directly touching is one of the best ways to encourage more milk. Wear your baby as often as possible while you are working on your supply. 
Skin to skin regulates body temperature, heart-rate and glucose.

Wouldn’t you rather cuddle skin to skin?

It’s a human requirement! 

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Colostrum                                     Foremilk                                Hindmilk

Colostrum .. Foremilk … Hindmilk

See how different your milk looks in all it’s different forms?

Breastmilk changes from day to day, from feeding to feeding, providing antibodies from your body to theirs. We are always protecting our babies!

Ask your provider colostrum collectors kits, properly labeled before entering a facility which increases patient safety.

Actively removing colostrum in the first 3 hours following birth promotes abundant production sooner as well as providing dessert for your baby after breastfeeding. The laxative effect of colostrum can reduce jaundice.

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THE Most Important Video

for the Early Days

Adjust your body, Adjust your baby, Adjust your breast

When babies nurse in this position they are more likely to get a deeper latch, resulting in more comfort for the mother and more effective milk transfer.
Mother should be in a comfortably reclined position, baby should have a place for their feet to be grounded and then, be patient!

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Tips for coping with frequent nursing

Tips for coping with frequent nursing

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Maximizing Milk Production with Hands-On Pumping

When an infant is unable to breastfeed effectively, and his mother needs to stimulate the breasts and express milk with a breast pump, building and maintaining an adequate supply can be a challenge.
These video clips demonstrate some ways that pumping mothers can increase production without medication.

Power Pumping

Shorter, frequent nursing or pumping sessions INCREASE your supply better than longer, spaced out sessions.
Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and double pump with hands-on compression.
Pause for 5-10 minutes and repeat three times. Watch your supply climb!

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If your baby is experiencing a learning curve in attaching well to your breast, watch this video in it’s entirety. Then practice along with this very experienced International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and her clients.

I’m always happy to answer your questions. Feel free to contact me.

I’m always happy to answer your questions. Feel free to contact me.

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Paced Bottle Feeding

Some parents will be toggling between breast and bottle. The best time to introduce a bottle in somewhere between 4-6 weeks, after your milk supply is well established. Listen to this expert introduce you to the best way to bottle nurse a breastfed (or any) baby. This method is so respectful to the baby themselves and helps the feeder check in to their cues.

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Web Resources

Symptoms of Lip and/or Tongue Ties

Lip and tongue-ties can often prevent mothers & babies from experiencing a happy, healthy, and successful breastfeeding relationship. Without a full range of motion, babies cannot effectively latch and transfer milk. For mom this can lead to cracked or bleeding nipples, infection, and breast engorgement. Infants may also present any of the following symptoms:

Poor weight gain ... Colic and/or reflux ... Slides off nipples ... Bites or chews nipples ...Weak suck ... Nurses frequently

Once a frenectomy has been done, daily stretches at home are a MUST, or the tie will re-heal.
Watch and practice this several times a day until there are no more adhesions.

The following video is a great visual of the ways lip and tongue-ties can inhibit breastfeeding. Without full flexibility of the lip, babies are unable to properly flange around the breast. Without the ability to fully lift the tongue to the palate, babies are unable to successfully expel and transfer milk.


Hire a Postpartum Doula

The role of the postpartum doula is that of a non-judgmental helper. She wants to help make your transition into parenthood more successful and with fewer cares.

Portland Professional Doula Associates Postpartum Doula Team817-67Doula

Portland Professional Doula Associates
Postpartum Doula Team


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