Being Dad
is an honest, hilarious and informative film all about
the male perspective on Pregnancy and Birth.
Described as “Up the Duff for Men”, this film combines the eternal, hilarious and “tell-it-like-it-is” wisdom of mates over a few beers with some of Australia’s leading experts - medical, financial, relationship experts, sleep experts, psychologists - even some ideas from a master brewer... to find some unbelievable insights into pregnancy, from the bloke’s point of view.
As maybe only Aussies can do - they walk the incredibly thin line between laugh out loud humor and true information, a shot in the arm for the historically pathetic, underwhelming world of pregnancy information for men.
Without even trying, pick up tips from the new dads, start a conversation and be a better family - all without getting off the couch.
Being Dad features dozens of new dads from all over the country who share the thoughts, fears, concerns and joys they experienced from the first time they heard, "Honey, I'm pregnant!" through the first time they held their newborn child.
Be informed & be inspired by Being Dad... at last an entertaining DVD for dads and moms to-be.
Enjoyed the clips? The FULL MOVIE is shown below if you want MORE from Troy and the boys!