Are you ready to get ready? The following downloads & printables will help you really get into the mindset that your body that GREW your baby can FEED it too! Just like birth, it’s all about the OXYTOCIN & PROLACTIN!
Your body has used Prolactin from the beginning of your pregnancy to protect your baby and the high levels of Oxytocin that prepared your body for birth is here. Oxytocin is shy and needs dim lighting, warmth and feeling safe. Snuggle in with that little bundle, smell the sweetness of your baby’s head and offer the nourishing tenderness of your breast. You’ve got this!
Downloads for Successful Breastfeeding
Remember that hands-on pumping and hand expression is the #2 way to increase your supply
Successful Breastfeeding Tips in Visual Format
Early hunger cues, signs baby is getting enough milk, comfortable breastfeeding positions. How to express milk and keep baby awake at the breast by using your hands.
Find the issue you need support with and watch till you’re content!
The Magical Hour Following Birth
Newborns go through nine distinct phases of awakening following their birth. In observing newborns in a variety of birthing scenarios, whether natural vaginal spontaneous birth, or birth with forceps or vacuum, or cesarean birth, each baby went through these stages. At any point, if they were removed from their mother’s chest before the stages had been completed and then replaced, they would begin at the very first phase (crying) and follow the stages through suckling and sleep. Please be aware that your baby NEEDS this very important adjustment period following birth.
Some babies display behaviors that can indicate tongue or lip tie.
Some of the symptoms may include:
Difficulty latching
Unproductive, sustained sucking
Poor weight gain, colic, or reflux
Cracked or bleeding nipples
Pain in nipples from biting
Breast engorgement
There are numerous long-term effects of leaving lip and/or tongue-ties uncorrected, including, but not limited to articulation problems, while older children may begin to see gum recession or poor food cleansing, and ultimately, cavities.
For parents expecting multiples (Twins, Triplets or more!)
Feel free to skip down if this does not apply to you.
Tandem nursing twins
The logistics of nursing two babies at the same time can be hard. Here's how one mom did it. She pretty much followed this system up until about eight months, at which point the babies had gotten so quick it was just as easy to do each of them separately. They successfully breastfed up to 13 months.
Preparing to breastfeed twins and triplets
Follow along with several families as they work to breastfeed and breastmilk feed their multiples. It’s hard work but they make it a priority. Learn from their pitfalls and victories. Also, enjoy the cute BABIES!!!